A Python2.6 script to watch files, pipes or Unix domain sockets # $Header: /CVSROOT/watcher/DESCRIPTION,v 1.1 2010-07-15 04:08:33 tino Exp $ # # $Log: DESCRIPTION,v $ # Revision 1.1 2010-07-15 04:08:33 tino # First version # If you have a couple of files to watch in parallel and when `tail --follow=file -f files...' get's a bit confusing, just try ./watcher.py files... It's not perfect, but it is able to read from files, pipes and Unix domain sockets. If a BEL character (^G, ASCII 7) is received, the line is marked red. Not yet implemented is to allow keystrokes to be send to the unix domain sockets as well, like a poor man's terminal.