$Header: /CVSROOT/sq/TODO,v 1.1 2009-05-25 11:14:13 tino Exp $ Bugs and limitations: - Commandline is too stupid. - Tool still has too many limits. - There is no infinite timeout. (You can emulate with lockrun, though.) - :fd#_.. thingie is somewhat cryptic, however I have no good idea how to do it. - add user functions! See below. - here-scripts (Shell) not supported. (read statement from stdin) Possible functions: pcre(r,s) return match perl-regexp r to s example: pcre('|/[^?/]*$|',url) pcre(r,s,o) return replacement string o according of match r to s pcre('|(http://[^?/]*/[^?]*/thumbs/([^?]*)$|',url,'$1/$2') digest(alg,s) Calculate digest of s with algorithm alg Algorithms: md5 sha sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 shell(s,..) Send arguments via commandline, returns stdout. THIS FORKS FOR EACH RECORD! filter(s,..) Send arguments to stdin, read a line of answer from stdout. This only forks once. No whitespace trimming is done! math(X,op,Y) Arbitrary precision math, calculate X op Y Base2, base8, base10, base16, base32, base64 and blob(=base256) $Log: TODO,v $ Revision 1.1 2009-05-25 11:14:13 tino added