SQLITE3 query tool for shell usage # $Header: /CVSROOT/sq/DESCRIPTION,v 1.3 2009-05-28 09:29:46 tino Exp $ # # $Log: DESCRIPTION,v $ # Revision 1.3 2009-05-28 09:29:46 tino # Option -a -s' ' added # # Revision 1.2 2006-06-15 13:15:12 tino # Typo corrected This only works with sqlite version 3 databases! If you want to pipe data in and out a sqlite3 database from shell, this tool is for you. With this tool you never have to escape arguments from shell ever again (as long as you don't pass them in the SQL string directly). Example insert:
export env="this goes into col1"
arg="this goes into col2"
./sq3 test.db 'create table a ( col1, col2, col3 ); insert into a values ($env,?,:fd3)' "$arg" 3< filename
This stores the environment variable $env into col1, puts the arg into col2 and reads col3 from filename as BLOB. Reading the data is likewise easy:
./sq3 test.db 'select col1,col2,col3 from a' |
while read -r row col type data
	case "$type" in
	t)      echo "row=$row col=$col data=$data";;
	e)      echo -e "row=$row col=$col data=$data";;
	0)      echo "row=$row col=$col NULL";;
Data which cannot be read easily is escaped using the shell escape. Another usage for access of attachment or binary data:
./sq3 test.db "insert into a values ('file',NULL,:fd0)" < file
./sq3 -r test.db "select col3 from a where col1='file'" | cmp - file
Or lazy argument processing:
./sq3 test.db "delete from a; insert into a values ('line1','line2','line3'); insert into a values ('lineA','lineB','lineC')"
./sq3 -r test.db "select * from a" |
while read -r col1 && read -r col2
	read -r col3 || echo -n "last "
	echo "lazy: $col1 - $col2 - $col3"
The funny thing is the missing newline which makes the "read -r col3" to return EOF. Well, one can consider this a feature, but it's moreover a crude sideeffect ;) Another pattern now can be (you can leave out the -a and the eval if there cannot be spaces in the colums):
./sq3 -a -s' ' test.db "select * from a" |
while read -r c1 c2 c3
	eval c1="\$'$c1'"
	eval c2="\$'$c2'"
	eval c3="\$'$c3'"
	echo "lazy: $c1 - $c2 - $c3"