-*-text-*- $Header: /CVSROOT/public/scylla-charybdis/md5backup/doc/sc-backup.txt,v 1.3 2004/09/28 23:58:47 tino Exp $ WARNING! This is experimental stuff! WARNING! No metadata is gathered for now! WARNING! This is a extreme short note how to use sc-backup.sh! WARNING! No liability for anything. If it breaks you broke it. WARNING! If you do not do as noted here, you are left alone. WARNING! To be precise: You *are* left alone! Perhaps have a look into doc/linked_file_store.txt as well. This will probably change in future without note: # You are root, and you are in bash # You are in the directory where md5backup was untarred to # (this probably is the parent directory of this text file) # Be sure to have more than enough free space in /backup for # a full backup of your hard drive (plus a mysql dump)! mkdir -p /backup/md5backup/ln1 /backup/charybdis/{tmp,md5move} ln -s /backup/md5backup/ln1 /backup/charybdis/md5move/ ln -s `/bin/pwd`/bin/sc-*.sh /backup/charybdis/ ln -s /source_directory_of_scylla-charybdis /backup/charybdis/bin cat >/backup/charybdis/sc-move.conf < # press return to start the backup loop # press return when dobackup.sh asks you to setup everything Make sure that /backup/charybdis/sc-loop.sh is running. You can use my tool ptybuffer to do so, too .. Also you can call sc-backup.sh from cron as follows: 15 4 * * * echo "" | /backup/charybdis/sc-backup.sh If you want to have more than one backup server (recommended) do it as follows (replace MASTER by some unique thing): 15 4 * * * echo "mysql root pw" | /backup/charybdis/sc-backup.sh 0 8 * * 0 echo "mysql root pw" | /backup/charybdis/sc-backup.sh MASTER mkdir -p /backup/md5backup/lnMASTER /backup/charybdis/MASTER ln -s /backup/md5backup/lnMASTER /backup/charybdis/MASTER/ cat >/backup/charybdis/sc-move.MASTER.conf <